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5 Reasons Why Your Heating Bills Are So High

This winter, there’s a good chance that the most expensive part of maintaining comfort throughout your home is your heating bill. If they’re higher than they should be, your heating bills can also be a sign that there may be something wrong with your system.

At Squeaks Plumbing & Heating, one of the top heating repair companies in Denver, CO, we understand that you don’t want to put a dent in your wallet to keep you and your family warm this winter. Here are some of the most common causes for unusually high heating bills, and what you can do to keep them in check.

1. Your Heating System Needs Maintenance

This is undoubtedly one of the most likely scenarios that results in abnormally high heating bills. A furnace that hasn’t been tuned up or properly maintained uses more energy to heat a room, making it work harder.

By getting regular heating tune-ups, you can ensure that the furnace is working at optimum efficiency, all without jacking up those heating bills. If it’s been a year or more since you’ve had your furnace serviced, reach out to our team so one of our experienced technicians can give it the proper maintenance.

2. You Didn’t Adjust the Thermostat

During the winter, your thermostat should be set to approximately 68 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if you or your family are away from home, or sleeping, then you can turn it down several degrees for significant savings.

In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends turning thermostats down 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours a day to get an annual savings of up to 10%. Additionally, you can get a programmable thermostat installed to help you manage both the indoor temperature and your monthly bill.

3. Your Home Is Leaking Hot Air

Air leaks that are present inside your home make your heating system work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, which can cause your heating bill to skyrocket. If your home has not been adequately insulated, much of that precious hot air is getting outside through your basement, attic, and crawl spaces.

Get with one of our professionals to inspect the space for air leaks, both inside and outside your home. If there are any leaks present, then you can either seal the area or provide the appropriate insulation, depending on the extent and area where the leak is.

4. Your Furnace Filter Is Dirty

A dirty filter in your furnace can also make the system work unnecessarily hard. Because the filter keeps dirt and debris from entering your home’s heating system, it protects your furnace from these elements and allows it to work efficiently. When the filter gets clogged, the heating system isn’t properly ventilated, leading to higher heating bills and even malfunctions.

5. There Was an Error When Reading Your Meter

One other factor to consider regarding unusually high heating bills is the human component. Errors can occur while taking the meter reading, leading to inaccuracies when it comes time to pay your bill.

If you believe your meter was incorrectly read, check the reading on the bill with the meter’s actual reading. If they don’t match up, then it’s a good idea to reach out to your energy company. Then can investigate the matter and adjust the bill if there have been any mistakes with it.

If your heating bills are unusually high this winter, then chances are there may be something wrong with your system. Reach out to our team of heating experts so we can assess your heating system, and you can stay warm all winter long without breaking the bank.

To schedule a consultation for heating service for your Denver, CO home, call us today at

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